Monday, January 31, 2011

Bullet Express Sold In Stores

A little game again!

So, any one who loves quilting, the work of fabrics etc. ... A coupon to win! it is here: Me I try my luck! :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Garnier Hair Colour Chart Licorice

YE Gong prétend aimer le dragon satirizes those who profess

Un jour lors d'une discussion avec des amis français au sujet de l'immigration, j'ai entendu un propos intéressant qui ne manquait pas d'humour ironique: «j'aime l ' exotisme, mais je n'aime pas les étrangers ».
day with a few French friends talk to the immigration topic, ironic to hear such an interesting sense of humor:" j'aime l'exotisme, mais je n'aime pas les étrangers (I like the exotic, but do not like foreign people). "

Cela me rappelle une expression légendaire chinoise:« satirizes those who profess - YE Gong prétend aimer le dragon ».
This reminds me of a Chinese Idiom:" satirizes those who profess ".

Pendant les Annales des Printemps et des Automnes (Chun Qiu Shi Qi), Un bonhomme du Royaume CHU, YE Gong, prétend aimer particulièrement le dragon. Dans sa maison, l'image de dragon est gravée partout sur les poutres, les piliers, les portes et les fenêtres, même marquée sur les meubles et les vêtements. Le dragon résidant au ciel, touché après avoir appris cette nouvelle, décide d'aller saluer ce bonhomme. Cependant, lorsque le dragon entre sa tête par la fenêtre chez lui, YE Gong, terrifié complètement par la présence de cet animal géant, fuit immédiatement sans une seule seconde d'hésitation.
Spring and Autumn Period , Chu said Ye particularly fond of a dragon, his house beams, pillars, doors and windows are carved with dragons, and even furniture and clothes are all dragon pattern. Upon learning of the true sky dragon, very moved, made a special trip to go visit Ye. Who knows when the dragon from the window on the probe into the head, the Lord Ye saw the real dragon, but terrified to run away.

La morale de cette histoire: 1. Approuver en paroles mais désapprouver au fond du cœur; 2. L'extérieur de quelqu'un ne correspond pas à son intérieur; 3. Parler d'une voix qui sonne faux; 4. Donner le change sur sa vraie capacité.
implication Idiom: duplicity and hypocritical, insincere, bluff.

Ceux qui prétendent aimer le dragon sont effrayés par sa venue réelle, et ceux qui affirment leur exotisme n'acceptent effectivement pas la présence d'Etrangers. Ainsi, il semble que la nature humaine n'ait pas essentiellement évolué de l'antiquité jusqu'à aujourd'hui.
known true love dragon dragons fear, and love exotic people do not really accept a foreign man, so it seems , Zigudaojin, no substantial evolution of human nature.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Boss Death Metal Pedal

Vers la gauche ou la droite? to the left or right?

J'entends souvent des amis français débattre pour defend the left or right ...
"Tong So, you're on the left or right?"
"Me?" I practice the left as the right 左右开弓, since I am left handed and right-handed upset at birth! "
Actually, I'm against what people are divided into camps.
"Camp", a term that is not always in the right direction as a "holiday camp", as it can especially be a "labor camp", "a prison camp" or a "concentration camp" ...

Friday, January 21, 2011

How Long Dough Last In

Hippo again;) / Megérkeztek

Rose knocked on my door, I have my copies. :) You already know about this book, he filled the blog Sandy. : D One thing that is not he who missed the broadcast, the archive that is here and I also discovered an article . And that conn aster not blog Sandrine, his blog is here, with all his posts of Hippopotine. (Thanks for all your congratulations on his blog on the forum.)

Megérkeztek out of books. As the authors have already invaded your blog posts about the book, rather you all átirányítalak
there and briefly summarize the events. France Bleu-n-t Sandrine interviewed, the archive may be heard here (the poor, to suffer for my name). The Amazon Pre-order could be as much in a few days out of stocks.

Aujourd'hui il a fait beau ici, avec du soleil! Que c'est bien! Heureux sont mes cactus! Il est beaucoup mieux travailler comme ca! Certaines parma vous, vous pouvez constater que vous Feed autour de moi tous les jours, ca me fait Plaisir. (Sandra! Ton image est sur l'autre mur)

And as the sun was shining brightly today, I made some photos, basking cacti, illustrator pajtis works. Organically integrated into the already mindennapjaimba. Sun is still much better to look at them and beneath them to work. (Kriszti! Móni! You're here!)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Does The Morning After Pill Make You Urinate

Tofu, fromage et sensualité

豆腐 Tofu, soft at once firm, bland and boring in the beginning, however, suits all tastes by different sauces and cooking.

cheese, which smells like specific and nuanced difficult for everyone, the brand names of local singularities by varying widely ...

Do you know that 爱吃 豆腐 ( like to eat tofu ) is a saucy expression in Chinese (meaning: people who love to flirt with girls)?

Tofu can be sensual touch smooth texture creamy taste originally "neutral" (such as freshwater tasteless but generous in favor of creation), potential to adapt to all tastes ... Is not it a feminine image, "风情 万种, 浓妆 淡抹 总 相宜 - sensuality very variable, appropriate to the simplest to the most beautiful finery !

As for cheese, cheese as each manifests a strong character, he can not satisfy all imagination! That's why, "love eat Tofu 爱吃 豆腐" seems more vivid and fantasmé ...

Sore Throat & Sneezing After Flu Shot

The mocking / A gúnyolódók

Here, they are here, the little wicked. They scoff Gzanador. But he will find the way so he can also play well. As you can see, we've kept pretty style book. The project is completed, he went to seek a licensee. Hopefully soon we will have the opportunity to speak Gzanador. Thank you to Christos for this collaboration and for his patience. (He waited almost half a year ...)

Mert aki nem az utolsó DIVAT szerint öltözik, azt kell ugye csúfolni ... Mitola of IS Lesz Valami divatos? Gzanador megmutatja Majd.
As you see, we returned to the starting point, the performances approached the jegyzetfüzetes style robots. I will not have to show more pictures, but I hope that you will have the opportunity to speak Gzanadorról ... say, if a publisher allows it. We'll find out.

Friday, January 14, 2011

How Many Wifi Devices Can A Router Handle

Trivia # 6

laugh out

rediscover the things and people learn


choose to walk
watch Paris
start the evening in the forest
wings from far, far away
give thanks

love ...

to be continued

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Best Foundation For Irish Skin


J'étais Trop optimistic Particip Quand j'avais au marché de Noel, imprimé j'avais beaucoup plus que de calendriers J'ai pu guests. No si ca vous pas genes, le nom des mois sont en hongrois, je les offers to sell at a low prices.
13 pages of 11x16 cm, connected by a spiral printed on elegant paper (Rives, 280 g / m²) + card support.
I hope it will cheer you all ves days in 2011. Price: 6 euros + 2.4 Euro (shipping) You can request here.

2011-es naptárok keres k gazdájukat. 13x16 cm-es, 13 oldal, spirálozott, elegans, bordázott, 280 g-os, Vastag Rives papírra készültek has nyomatok. Állványt küldök Hozz. Az Ara postaköltséggel Együtt 1550 ft. Szeretnél belőle? Itt jelezheted.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

6500 Slide Pokemon Game

Avancer et reculer advances and retreats

Une philosophie de vivre: capable d'avancer comme reculer, la maîtrise libre entre avancer et reculer.
a philosophy of life: can be hired back, and control them.

Avancer : courage, espoir, opportunités, progrès, évolution, mais aussi défi, risques, danger, incertitude, bouleversement ...
into : courage, hope, opportunity, progress, evolution, but also the challenges, risks, dangers, and unpredictable, turbulence. . .

Reculer : doute, prudence, endurance, détours, compromis, et aussi patience, rétrospective, correction, accumulation, redressement ...
back : doubt, caution, patience, convoluted, a compromise, but also patience, self-examination , corrected, accumulate and restore. . .

La maîtrise libre entre avancer et reculer : un équilibre dynamique entre les acquis et les pertes, entre l'abstinence et l'excès, entre le positif et le négatif, ou bien, justement une réorganisation des stratégies et des priorités ...
control them : between the gain and loss, and excessive restraint, between affirming and denying a dynamic equilibrium between, or just on the strategic considerations and priorities Sort of a re-adjustment. . .

Friday, January 7, 2011

Letter To Housing Allowance

... (Repeat) Puer natus

To you who probably never will read these lines and to whom I'd like to say both,
To you who teach me to love the beginning of the week,
To you who teach me to count up to 7 dramatize the waiting
To you I'm missing 10 minutes after being mounted in the subway,
To you who picked me when I'm down,
To you who helps me when I stand there comes not alone, To you who hear me
even in the middle of the night,
To you who know so well show me the sunshine among the clouds,
To you who force me to simplicity and patience , To you who
helps me to improve,
To you who hold my heart in your hands and do not know,

What do you know? Where will we?
I wait.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Penthouse Letters Read Online Free


But I did not say? He called Gzanador! In his small workshop.
Gzanador has főhőse mese. Készül divatot diktálni.

Addicted To Extra Strong Mints

Histoire de deux cailloux

Il y avait une fois dans un village un fermier sans le sou qui devait rembourser une importante somme money to an old man very ugly.

Like the farmer has a very pretty girl who really liked the old lender, the latter proposed a deal: he says he would erase the debt of the farmer if he could marry his daughter.

The farmer and his daughter were both horrified by this proposal. Then the old lender suggested that chance determines the outcome of the proposal. He told them he would put a white stone and black stone in an empty bag of money, and that the girl would have to pick, at random, one of two stones from the bag.
1) if she picks the black pebble, she becomes his wife and his father's debt is erased;
2) if she picks the white pebble she need not marry him and his father's debt is canceled;
3) if she refuses to pick a pebble, her father is imprisoned.

While continuing to talk, the ugly old stooped to pick up two pebbles. As he picked them up, the girl, who had a keen eye, remarked that he had picked up two black pebbles and that he had put in the bag.

But she said nothing.

Then the lender would asked the girl to dig into the bag.

This discussion took place on the way to the farmer's house, and the ground was strewn with pebbles. Imagine what

you would have done if you had been there. What would you advise the girl to do?

There are three possibilities:
1) the girl should refuse to pick a pebble;
2) the girl should get the two black pebbles in the bag to show that the old cheated;
3) the girl should pick a black pebble and sacrifice by marrying the old to save his father's imprisonment.

Take a moment to reflect on this situation.

This story is intended to make you appreciate the difference between thinking "logical" and thought so-called "side".

The dilemma of the girl can not be resolved fairly by the traditional logical thinking.

Think of the consequences of each of the three options. So what would you do?

Well here's what the girl said:
she dug into the bag and took out a stone let it escape to the ground immediately, without having seen, and he mingled with the multitude of spontaneously other pebbles on the ground.

"Oh, I can be clumsy," exclaimed the girl, "but what if I get out of the bag the stone that remains, we'll see where I had dug in the first, is it not? " Since the remaining pebble was black, the first could only be dug stone white.

As the old lender dared not admit his dishonesty, the girl turned a situation that seemed impossible in a very advantageous outcome!

Moral of this story:
There is a solution for most complex problems, we just do not know things always look at the correct angle.

May your journey be filled with positive thoughts and wise decisions!