Monday, May 31, 2010

Romantic Hotel In Bangalore Celebrate Aniversery

Vanilla Strawberry:)

This is not the name of an ice cream! :) But the name
my dog!
It's cute huh?!
completely handmade!

His "mom" is here it is: click click!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Hot To Jack Off To Get An Or

Because we should not let go ... Word

... and spiced cream is an effective remedy stress generated by the exams and competitions!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dragon Ball Goku Bulma Bathroom Doujinshi

is always a great joy to see Scouting's eldest flower of the waves.
Today was a friend who testified to the faith, hope and love that animate it. She did me the honor of asking me to receive his appointment. It's always a thrill to see girls grow and become involved in the progression Guide Elder, but it is even greater to be the privileged witness of this commitment.

Whatever Claire took today was not the least: it was the Word of Fire, the last step progression Guide Elder, gateway to adult life beautiful and right.

Today Claire has finished. Claire today for all starts.

I wish you a good road then my Clairette, whether informed by the theological virtues recalled by the waves clinging to your shoulder, it always makes you more of the salt of the earth and light of the world.

I know the greatness of man is his faithfulness. Knowing my weakness, I ask God His bounty and promise to live in Elder Guide bearer of light.

I have no photos, I'm sorry, my camera gave up the ghost ... Technology hates me!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Connectingfan Regulator

deck cross LJDA style Elsie

few people have appeared interested in the deck cross LJDA
doll approximately 40cm
I crafted.
So for you who want to give
a little apron for your doll
Leave me a comment with a link to contact you
and I will send you the PDF
boss that I did.

Friday, May 14, 2010

How Long After Drinking Alcohol Can I Take Ativan

Celebrates its 1 year! And gives us the chance to win a doll!
So if you want to win a Waldorf style doll
made a tour through here!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

What Happens With Fakku

Fire Works in all genres

While partial approaching and the prospect of the first results are on the horizon, it is high time ... to do something else! So off I go for a few hours sewing for a friend who needs a dress for a wedding. A beautiful green silk belt coupled with a deep blue to fall ... Noémie thank you for the trust you grant me! :-) I hope soon to have pictures soon to show you something.

Writing topos PEL Guiders Fire'm also not and if you happen to pass by there and have some ideas of possible readings on the difference between men and women and emotions, I'm firing on all cylinders!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Maybelline Mousse Foundation Swatches

Thurs day sewing!

Yesterday I spent a good part of the day
to trace, cut, sew and try!
It's been a while that it had not happened!
And everybody took advantage!
image is the result:
A dress
no boss,
goes like this feeling at !
Apron Elsie!
It reminds me of good memories
I had one like that but not

From the front:

And the doll might of

be jealous That's also:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Nylon Feet Smell Great

The Pameuses! here's good news!
for celebrate the release of the book Natasel
cré made gifts!
to win a kit (paste, glue, mold) is by

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Recent Rates Bank Rate, Slr2010

JN 2010

Imagine ... A family reunion in 1200 to Latilly. A radiant sun that gave way to rain that night and during the final rally. A theme, "Campe, serve, become" . 1200 SUF happy to be there.

the program? Great Game around the fables of La Fontaine (the dear gentleman, well known French schoolchildren, eastern region), imagine for a moment tawny 1200, separated into four teams, fighting for shots taken scarves unregulated to reconstruct a drawing illustrating various fables! Then intervention Cherisey Lawrence, author with his wife hope Smugglers, on the theme of fragility in education,

Hour Fire and vigil whose simplicity means was wonderful, followed by adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. 1200 SUF, kneeling before their God, to one who is more fragile and humble to come to meet them. 1200 SUF collected and soothed.

It is not possible to speak of JN let alone voted on and accepted a moral almost unanimously (there were I think ten abstainers), or the heartfelt reunion between participants from different POC or friends with Scouts together a few years ago. The JN

have thus ended with a Mass of Thanksgiving, then announced in the coming gathering places NAS and next JN, and that year the theme for next year: Choose , promise and live!